Turning a New Leaf: How to Find Jobs as a Convicted Felon


Are you a convicted felon looking for a fresh start? Do you feel like your past mistakes are holding you back from finding meaningful employment? Well, it's time to turn over a new leaf and take control of your future. While it may seem daunting, there are plenty of opportunities out there for individuals with criminal records. In this post, we'll explore some practical tips and strategies that can help you find the right job and pave the way for a successful career. So let's get started on this journey towards redemption!

The Challenges of Finding a Job as a Convicted Felon

It can be difficult to find a job as a convicted felon. Many employers are reluctant to hire felons, and those that do hire them often pay them less than they would pay someone without a criminal record. Additionally, many jobs that felons are qualified for require security clearance, which can be difficult or impossible to obtain with a felony conviction. There are, however, some things that felons can do to improve their chances of finding employment.

First, it is important to be honest about your criminal history on job applications and during interviews. Lying about your past will only hurt you in the long run, as it is likely that your employer will find out about your convictions eventually. Second, try to focus on the skills and qualifications that you have that are unrelated to your criminal record. For example, if you have experience in customer service or accounting, highlight those skills on your resume and during interviews. Finally, consider applying for jobs with companies that have programs specifically for hiring felons. These companies understand the challenges that ex-offenders face and may be more willing to give you a chance.

The Steps You Need to Take to Find a Job as a Convicted Felon

If you're a convicted felon, it can be difficult to find a job. Many employers job for felons are hesitant to hire felons, and some jobs may be off-limits to you altogether. However, there are steps you can take to improve your chances of finding employment.

Here are some tips for finding a job as a convicted felon:

1. Start with jobs that are open to felons. There are some employers who are willing to give felons a chance. Look for job postings that specifically say they're open to applicants with criminal records.

2. Use your network. Talk to family and friends, and let them know you're looking for work. They may be able to help you connect with potential employers or give you leads on job openings.

3. Be honest about your criminal record. Many employers run background checks, so it's important to be upfront about your convictions from the start. Honesty will show that you're taking responsibility for your past and trying to move forward.

4. Highlight your skills and qualifications. Convicted felons can still have plenty to offer an employer. Focus on highlighting your skills and qualifications when applying for jobs, and let your experience speak for itself.

5 . Be patient and persistent . Job-hunting as a convicted felon can be challenging, but it's important to remain patient and keep trying . Eventually , you'll find an employer who is willing to give you a chance .

The Resources Available to Help You Find a Job as a Convicted Felon

Finding a job after serving time in prison can be difficult. However, there are resources available to help you find employment.

The federal government offers the Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) program, which provides grants to nonprofit organizations that help ex-offenders find jobs.

There are also a number of state and local programs that offer job placement assistance for ex-felons. Some of these programs include Project Second Chance in Ohio, the Wyoming Department of Corrections Reentry Initiative, and the Virginia Department of Corrections Employment Assistance Program.

In addition, many employers are willing to give ex-felons a chance if they are upfront about their criminal history. There are also a number of websites that list job openings specifically for ex-felons, such as Ex-offender Jobs and Felon Friendly Employers.


Finding a job as a convicted felon can be challenging, but it is not impossible. With proper preparation, education and networking you can find your way back into the workforce and start over with a new leaf. It takes hard work, dedication and determination to turn things around after being convicted of a crime, but with the right attitude and effort, finding employment as a felon is achievable. Taking these steps will help you move forward with confidence in your future endeavors and give you another chance at success.