How To Find Free Scholarships For Felons: What You Need To Know

Finding scholarships for felons can be a difficult and daunting task. Unfortunately, many felons are put at a disadvantage when it comes to applying for college or any other educational opportunities due to their criminal records. However, there are several scholarships available specifically for those with felony convictions, or those who have experienced hardships while in prison. In this blog post, we will explore how you can find and apply for free scholarships for felons. We will discuss the eligibility requirements, the application process and more to ensure that you have all the information needed to secure financial aid and complete your education.

What are free scholarships for felons?

When it comes to finding scholarships for felons, there are a few things you need to know. For starters, there are a number of organizations that offer scholarships specifically for felons. Additionally, there are a number of websites that provide lists of scholarships for felons. Finally, there are a number of private individuals and companies that offer scholarships for felons.

Organizations That Offer Scholarships For Felons

One great resource for finding scholarships for felons is the National Scholarship Providers Association. This organization provides a list of over 700 different scholarship programs, many of which are specifically for felons. Another great resource is, which provides a searchable database of over 3 million scholarships.

Websites That Provide Lists Of Scholarships For Felons

There are a number of websites that provide lists of scholarships for felons. Some of these websites include:,, and These websites provide detailed information on each scholarship program, including eligibility requirements and deadlines. Additionally, they provide links to the respective application materials.

Private Individuals And Companies That Offer Scholarships For Felons

In addition to organizations and websites that offer scholarships for felons, there are also a number of private individuals and companies that offer scholarships specifically for this population. Some examples include: The American Bar Association Foundation, The Innocence Project, and The National Lawyers Guild Foundation. These organizations and companies

How to find free scholarships for felons

There are a few ways to find free scholarships for felons. The first way is to look online. There are many websites that list scholarships for felons. Another way to find scholarships is to contact your local community college or university and ask about any programs they may have for felons. Finally, you can also check with organizations that work with the reentry population, such as Prisoners of Hope or the National HOPELine Network.

How to apply for free scholarships for felons

If you have a felony on your record, you may think that you're ineligible for scholarships. But there are actually a number of scholarships available for felons. In this article, we'll tell you how to find and apply for free scholarships for felons.

There are a few ways to find scholarships for felons. One way is to search online. You can try using a search engine like Google or Bing, or you can check out specific websites that list scholarships for felons. Another way to find scholarships is to contact your local library or community center. They may have information about scholarships that are available in your area.

Once you've found some scholarships that you might be eligible for, the next step is to fill out an application. Each scholarship will have its own requirements, but in general, you'll need to provide some personal information and write an essay explaining why you deserve the scholarship. Some scholarship programs also require that you submit letters of recommendation or transcripts from your previous schooling.

If you're not sure where to start looking for scholarships, don't worry - there are plenty of resources available to help you out. The Department of Justice has a list of resources for finding financial aid for ex-offenders, and the National Scholarship Providers Association also has a helpful website with information about scholarships and financial aid options. With a little bit of effort, you should be able to find the funding you need to continue your education.

Tips for writing a scholarship essay

When it comes to writing a scholarship essay, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to make yours stand out from the rest. Here are some tips to help you write a winning scholarship essay:

1. Start early: The earlier you start working on your essay, the better. This gives you more time to brainstorm ideas, do research, and revise your essay until it’s perfect.

2. Be personal: Your essay should be about YOU and YOUR story. Be honest and share your unique experiences and perspectives. This is what will make your essay stand out from the rest.

3. Know your audience: Keep in mind who will be reading your essay and tailor it accordingly. If the scholarship is for an academic program, focus on discussing your academic achievements and goals. If it’s for a community service organization, highlight your involvement in and passion for service work.

4. Make it readable: No one wants to read an essay that’s dull or difficult to follow. Use clear, concise language and structure your thoughts in a logical way. Breaking up your essay into smaller paragraphs can also help with readability.

5. Edit & proofread: Once you’ve finished writing your essay, don’t forget to edit and proofread it before submitting! Even small errors can be enough to make you look unprofessional or unprepared, so take the time to check for any mistakes.


Finding scholarships for felons can be a daunting task, but with the right resources and knowledge it is possible to locate the perfect scholarship. We hope that this article has provided you with an understanding of what types of scholarships are available and how to go about finding them. With luck, you have been able to find at least one free scholarship for felons that matches your needs. Best of luck in your endeavors!